Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Dictionary of Digital Marketing Acronyms - Know the ‘L to Z’

Digital marketing is a pool of various terms, techniques, jargon, buzzwords, and acronyms. In the previous part of ‘Digital Marketing Acronyms’ we have learnt the ‘A to K’ of these acronyms. Now we will continue with ‘L to Z’ and get more insight into a meaningful glossary of web marketing.

·         LB: This is an acronym for ‘Link Building’ that is an effective SEO technique by increasing the number and quality of inbound links to a specific web page.
·         LPO: This is an acronym for ‘Landing Page Optimization’. It is a process of optimizing each element of the landing page.
·         MTO: This is an acronym for ‘Meta Tags Optimization’ that defines the process of optimizing the meta tags available in the back-end source of web pages.
·         NAP: This is an acronym for ‘Name, Address, Phone Number’. It is important to keep the NAP data updated for increased search listing and better ranking on search engines.
·         NSEO: This is an acronym for ‘Negative SEO’ that defines unethical and black hat SEO techniques to get search engine ranking.
·         OBL: This is an acronym for ‘Outbound Links’ that take you to web pages of other websites.
·         ORM: This is an acronym for ‘Online Reputation Management’ that defines the process of introducing various strategies and techniques to create a web presence based on customer perception.
·         PPC: This is an acronym for ‘Pay Per Click’ defined as an effective online advertising and marketing strategy where the payment is based on qualifying clicks.
·         PPL: This is an acronym for ‘Pay Per Lead’ defined as an effective web marketing strategy where the payment is based on leads clicked by the viewer.
·         PPS: This is an acronym for ‘Pay Per Sales’ defined as an effective web marketing technique where payment model works on the system of qualifying sales.
·         PFI: This is an acronym for ‘Pay For Inclusion’ that entitles a predetermined amount or fee for inclusion in a specific directory, website, or search engine.
·         PFP: This is an acronym for ‘Pay For Performance’ that defines the process of calculating the affiliate payment based on sales or predefined performance measures.
·         PHP: This is an acronym for ‘PHP Hypertext Pre-processor’ that defines a scripting computer language used for designing web pages.
·         RSS: This is an acronym for ‘Really Simple Syndication’ that is a feed through which you can directly get any business news or update to your desktop.
·         RON: This is an acronym for ‘Run of Network’ that defines an advertisement buying option with a feature to display an ad on any web page of the target network.
·         ROS: This is an acronym for ‘Run of Site’ that defines an advertisement buying option with a feature to display an ad anywhere on the target website.
·         SOV: This is an acronym for ‘Share of Voice’ that defines a unique form of web calculation based on the viewing percentage of a specific advertisement in comparison to other advertisers promoting the same line of product or service.
·         SEW: This is an acronym for ‘Search Engine Watch’ that defines a tool used for learning and understanding various search engines, web marketing techniques, and rankings.
·         SNS: This is an acronym for ‘Social Networking Service’ that defines a process of connecting socially through various online platforms.
·         SMX: This is an acronym for ‘Search Macro Expansion’ that defines a macro language used for designing web pages.
·         URL: This is the most common acronym we all use that defines ‘Uniform Resource Locator’. This is a unique address of every web page that when typed on the search bar directs to the particular web page.
·         UGC: This is an acronym for ‘User Generated Content’ that defines all the content created or designed, and published by web users.
·         UX: This is an acronym for ‘User Experience’ that defines the experience of online customers while browsing a specific website, web page, or any computer application.
·         VTC: This is an acronym for ‘View Through Click’ that defines a process of measuring the effectiveness and fruitfulness of your web advertisement campaign.
·         WAP: This is an acronym for ‘Wireless Application Protocol’ that is used for accessing wireless data through most available mobile networks.
·         WAN: This is an acronym for ‘Wide-Area Network’ that defines a vast collection of various computers connected to a single network in a specific geographical area.
·         YT: This is an acronym for ‘YouTube’ that defines a huge platform for publishing and sharing videosfor increased prospects and better growth.

Our team at Digital Platter, a leading digital marketing agency in Nagpur, has made all possible efforts to explore the vastness of the industry and bring forth all possible acronyms to your notice and understanding. However, if we have missed out on anything, do help us update the list and make it complete putting your comment in the comment section. However, the entry of new terms and acronyms are sure to be visible with constantly approaching innovations in the field of digital marketing.  

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