Digital marketing is a vast landscape with many new terms and terminologies coming up every day in the digital world. In order to stay attuned to the latest trends in digital marketing, it is imperative to have a complete access to digital marketing glossary. This not only enhances your knowledge base but also helps increase your customer base, improve your sales and overall return on investment.
In the previous series, our experienced team at Digital platter, a leading digital marketing consultant in Nagpur, had put across two series of the glossary, ‘A to F’ and ‘G to N’, and now we put forth the third series that comprises the glossary from ‘O to Z’.
· Online Reputation Score: The acronym used widely is ORM and this defines your reputation and loyalty over the digital medium. Every visitor perceives individual conception about your brand through various different types of online interactions.
· Outbound Link: A link to any web page placed outside that specific website.
· Organic Search: An unpaid search that follows a natural process of web searching based on the relevance of the keyword.
· Page Jacking: This is a web page theft and then placing the same copy on any other website.
· Page Rank: Ranking of a web page based on various factors defined by Google Algorithms.
· Pass-Along Rate: The percentage of people who just pass on a web page without spending the required time for reading or understanding the content
· Permission Marketing: Digital marketing done after seeking customer’s consent.
· Podcast: This is a series of video or audio files organized over the web for later use.
· Pop-Under Ad: A piece of advertisement displayed behind the current window in a new window.
· Pop-Up Ad: A piece of advertisement displayed in a new smaller window.
· Quality Content: Content that displays the required information and delivers the desired message.
· Quality Link: Link from any reliable or relevant source based on the keyword query.
· Quality Score: This is the rating defined by Google Adwords to ensure the relevance and quality of specific keywords.
· Reciprocal Links: These are links exchanged between two websites based on mutual agreement.
· Return Days: These are the maximum number of days for which an affiliate can conveniently earn conversion commission.
· Real-Time Marketing: This real time strategy facilitates to understand the relevant changing trends in response to the feedback received from the clients
· Reinclusion: Re-introducing a penalized website to the virtual world of search engine indexing.
· Repeat Visitor: A specific online visitor viewing a specific website repeatedly over a period of time.
· Relevancy: Measure or estimate of the search engine results in accordance to the keyword query.
· Robots.txt: This is a digital file placed in the root directory of the website to control, monitor, and restrict the actions of search engine spiders.
· Sig File: This is a short piece of text placed at the end of any message to provide additional piece of information.
· Skyscraper Ad: This is a digital advertisement taller than the dimensions of a vertical banner.
· Social Networking: This is a networking of two or more people on different social media channels in order to create, build, and nurture the virtual world of online groups and web communities.
· Splash Page: This branding page is placed before the website home page.
· Stickiness: This is the amount of time a web user spends at a website over a specific given period.
· Super Affiliate: An expert affiliate who beholds the credibility to generating appreciable affiliate marketing results.
· Sandbox: A premium place for Google to store all the new websites and monitor their ranking and relevancy.
· Surround Session: This is a sequence of advertising designed in a way that the visitor automatically receives the advertisement throughout the time he or she stays at the website.
· Spider: This is a digital creature that crawls the web to index website and update all the information.
· Text Ad: These are advertisements that are displayed using links over the text.
· Trick Banner: These are pieces of advertisement that tricks web readers to click the advertisement.
· Two Tier Affiliate Program: This is an affiliate program where the affiliate earns from two ends, one by conversion commission and the other by conversions of their referral webmasters.
· Under-delivery: Less conversions, impressions, and visitors compared to what was committed for a specific period of time.
· Vertical Banner: Advertising banner with the width and height dimension of 120 pixels and 240 pixels respectively.
· Viral Marketing: An exciting channel of marketing that empowers people to pass on the received message to their groups, communities, and various other channels.
· Vlog : This is a video content blog.
· White Hat SEO: White Hat SEO is an ethical way of search engine optimization that goes in line with the Google Algorithms.
· Widget: These are digital applications performing specific functions used on web pages.
· XML: This is a markup computer language used for decoding various documents in readable formats. The coding is such that both humans and machines can get easy access and readability of the content.
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