Friday, December 13, 2019

Why Your Online Presence Holds Paramount Importance These Days? – Being An Individual

Job-seeker? Homemaker? Chef? Entrepreneur? Student? Grandparent? It doesn’t matter what your age, profession or passion is. All that matters is that you are an individual belonging to the digital era of today!
We are surrounded by technology like the air surrounding us and a major part of our lives is affected by digitalization. No one can deny that their life has become, at least to a certain extent, dependent on it. When something is inevitable, isn’t it better to accept it and adapt accordingly rather than shying away from it?
I am emphasizing the importance of having your online presence. You may wonder what online presence is. Let me tell you in the simplest way - Having an online presence is simply means ‘being on the internet

Why do you need to be present on the internet if you are a chef? Or maybe an artist? The answer is - because the entire world is there. No, I don’t mean you should just blindly follow the majority and copy them. Instead I want the majority to follow you, and that's why you need to be there where everyone else is. So that people may notice you, appreciate who you really are and maybe even get inspired by you or learn from your experience.
For instance, You are a homemaker having a website/blog/youtube channel/social media page where you share your knowledge or experience. And there is someone out there who desperately needs this information you have uploaded. They go through it and gain advantage. And hola! You helped someone you don’t even know! This is just single example. Your online profile is open for everyone on the globe so just imagine how many people will gain benefit from it for plethora of their needs, small or big.
This is the power of internet which can take you anywhere in the world. People having any kind of skills, interests or expertise can create a personal online brand. A job seeker can have many opportunities to make an impression on potential employers by circulating his resume online. A local artist can become a global artist by simply displaying his art on the internet!

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